A good soldier never leaves a soldier behind!
- A mourning prophet is better than a happy prophet
In my days as a prophet, some of my brethren man of God tried to stop me from preaching; by the cause of him thinking that I preach hypocrisy well I do not!
For in the case that I always preach about Jesus and His people.
According to the book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible that Solomon wrote, he said something about that mourning is better than laughter; read chapter
7: 1- 7
1 A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one's birth.
2 It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men; and the living will lay it to his heart.
3 Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better.
4 The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth.
5 It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools.
6 For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool: this also is vanity.
7 Surely oppression maketh a wise man mad; and a gift destroyeth the heart.
For if I be a happy prophet; a praised prophet, then was also the false prophets in the days of the old testament praised? And the true prophet mocked? The wolf is joyous when in disguise but a sheep is mourning for he sees the wolf praised. If a man doth not carry his cross and follows Christ; then the man is not worthy of Christ.
Let not the song of fools comfort you; but the mourning of the wise.
- Saved the abandoned
I am not just a prophet but a teacher. I had ten students; but one betrayed and now all my students betrayed. But one time I was evil; one time I was atheist until God called me; I went to this church New Testament Christian Church then afterwards the dream came:
"And I saw a great dream; and this dream was Christ and I saw Him, and brought me forth comfort before me and brought me bread, and behold I ate it and I bear forth great wisdom." - disease35, Joshua the Prophet of Judgment
and after a few months of training to become a prophet, a day came; it was the Sabbath day, in that day God touched my heart, I am sent to CAST MY JUDGMENT AGAINST THE WICKED: AND PREACH TO THE JUST AND TO THE UNJUST!
Let no man interfere my job; I have a student! And this student whom I teach sinned before me, had annoyed me with sin and had despite fully sinned against me,
But I ask you not my son to worship nor praise me; but to respect me as the man of God. Rate me how I love my student,
Everyday: I go out in the heat, and under the sun I thirst and yet I walk and seek him to teach him the word,and everyday nagging him to do what is right
There is not a time that I surrendered before my student; love does not give up remember this! For all these things, love is not a song nor a word but action. A good soldier never leaves a soldier behind.
A message to Joel
"My son, do not despise me for teaching you the truth but despise me when I surrender before you. Hate me not for waking you up early everyday, but hate me when I slack. But hear me, do what I heed you to do then you shall see the wisdom the God gave me. I am the prophet of Judgment, I come before you in the testimony of Jesus Christ, great is the mourning prophet than a happy prophet; for the happy prophet is liken to a false prophet and for a mourning prophet is liken to the prophets in the Bible."
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Spritual warfare
"The devil is a spirit that should be overthrown." - disease35
- Warfare in school
This happened because the devil hates me. In school (before I was satanist and what not) I saw all my evil, old and 'supposed to be' friends. One of them was Sherman. Sherman invited me to go to the bathroom, he tried to take my Sword (the Bible) and flush it down the toilet. The Holy Spirit was with me, so even how strong Sherman is, but with the Holy Spirit and the Power of God, you can overthrow them. Yes I won the battle because I trusted in God.
This also happened in the Bible- yeah lets go there shall we,
I Samuel 17: 45
45Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.
According to this, David fought the child of Satan not by weapons but by faith, YES! God can do anything, we should trust in God's power for nothing is impossible to Him,
- Lost by devil; and found by God
The second time the devil tried to steal my sword was this, I was going to talk to someone and I left my bag and in it was my Bible and in the bag a satanist which is Sherman cast a spell on it (He's a demonic witch) and my Bible was gone for two days; but God provided me so that I could preach His Word still. Then one day when I went back, Sherman was provoked by God and was forced to cast another spell, then when he touched my bag the Bible was found.
Trust in God, if you lose something God can find it.
Lost because of the devil; but founded by God - disease35
Lost and found
- Warfare in school
This happened because the devil hates me. In school (before I was satanist and what not) I saw all my evil, old and 'supposed to be' friends. One of them was Sherman. Sherman invited me to go to the bathroom, he tried to take my Sword (the Bible) and flush it down the toilet. The Holy Spirit was with me, so even how strong Sherman is, but with the Holy Spirit and the Power of God, you can overthrow them. Yes I won the battle because I trusted in God.
This also happened in the Bible- yeah lets go there shall we,
I Samuel 17: 45
45Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.
According to this, David fought the child of Satan not by weapons but by faith, YES! God can do anything, we should trust in God's power for nothing is impossible to Him,
- Lost by devil; and found by God
The second time the devil tried to steal my sword was this, I was going to talk to someone and I left my bag and in it was my Bible and in the bag a satanist which is Sherman cast a spell on it (He's a demonic witch) and my Bible was gone for two days; but God provided me so that I could preach His Word still. Then one day when I went back, Sherman was provoked by God and was forced to cast another spell, then when he touched my bag the Bible was found.
Trust in God, if you lose something God can find it.
Lost because of the devil; but founded by God - disease35
Lost and found
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Being Warned
Knowing of a threat that is being warned
- The Final Chance
This is my final chance: God has already warned me of spreading the word of my prophecy and my gift of it; God has only told me to tell this to those men of God, per say one of our Pastors. Yes God warned me; He touched my heart to know this in the beginning; Only those who have great faith will believe me and will know me; but to those who I shew openly my gift will abandon me for my sakes. Last time that I had told people about this; is the time when God set a curse on me, He told me those whom have great faith will you only show your gift! Yes I had not know of that but until God shew me a sign!
There was this man, he was a Christian the Lord touched my heart to tell Him so that He could really prove that He really told me, I told Him I have prophecies and I am sent to cast judgment; then as quickly he said, "Well yes, happy are you then that the Lord chose you." He warned me a lot of times. Well I hate to say this; I had been finding a lot of time what God really wants me to do or why I am sent,
But until one night, I asked Him in the manner of prayer; in my laptop I wrote things, then until mysterious letter I began to write, then I translated them
There I saw the names of Jeremiah, Isaiah and Obadiah, God's sign told me
"I AM SENT TO CAST MY JUDGMENT UPON THE WICKED; AND PREACH TO THE JUST AND UNJUST." In my days as a teenager, I had not know how to preach, until one dream came, Jesus gave me bread and told me three months and after that three months in the Sabbath day, I felt no fear, I knew now then how to preach. I am not here to condemn but to judge.
- Differ the sent and called
I once was called by God by that dream and the bread He gave me; whenever I called myself a prophet, meaning: done in training, I felt guilt, the Lord told me PATIENCE! When I read the Bible, I read the books of Moses I saw what Moses had done, he has not finished his training but he already went. That was a big mistake
There he had problems in letting the people go, the pharaoh always hardened his heart, but even so; Moses succeeded because of his faith and hard word. But that doesn't change the fact that the Israelites are believers and not complainers. So that's it when the Sabbath day came, I felt no guilt, for that time I am sent.
- The Final Chance
This is my final chance: God has already warned me of spreading the word of my prophecy and my gift of it; God has only told me to tell this to those men of God, per say one of our Pastors. Yes God warned me; He touched my heart to know this in the beginning; Only those who have great faith will believe me and will know me; but to those who I shew openly my gift will abandon me for my sakes. Last time that I had told people about this; is the time when God set a curse on me, He told me those whom have great faith will you only show your gift! Yes I had not know of that but until God shew me a sign!
There was this man, he was a Christian the Lord touched my heart to tell Him so that He could really prove that He really told me, I told Him I have prophecies and I am sent to cast judgment; then as quickly he said, "Well yes, happy are you then that the Lord chose you." He warned me a lot of times. Well I hate to say this; I had been finding a lot of time what God really wants me to do or why I am sent,
But until one night, I asked Him in the manner of prayer; in my laptop I wrote things, then until mysterious letter I began to write, then I translated them
There I saw the names of Jeremiah, Isaiah and Obadiah, God's sign told me
"I AM SENT TO CAST MY JUDGMENT UPON THE WICKED; AND PREACH TO THE JUST AND UNJUST." In my days as a teenager, I had not know how to preach, until one dream came, Jesus gave me bread and told me three months and after that three months in the Sabbath day, I felt no fear, I knew now then how to preach. I am not here to condemn but to judge.
- Differ the sent and called
I once was called by God by that dream and the bread He gave me; whenever I called myself a prophet, meaning: done in training, I felt guilt, the Lord told me PATIENCE! When I read the Bible, I read the books of Moses I saw what Moses had done, he has not finished his training but he already went. That was a big mistake
There he had problems in letting the people go, the pharaoh always hardened his heart, but even so; Moses succeeded because of his faith and hard word. But that doesn't change the fact that the Israelites are believers and not complainers. So that's it when the Sabbath day came, I felt no guilt, for that time I am sent.
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