Sunday, March 21, 2010

Blessed are they

"Of whom God hath called, and of whom he hath not called. And they that have not, that they seek and they that hath seeketh not.
Of them that defendeth evil, cursed thou be! Of them that mocketh the Word, woe be unto you! Of them that decline, how canst thou learn? Of them that of the other doctrine, what lie hath been that many inclined? For he that is against God, is against them that teacheth God. They that hath seeketh not.
Blessed are them that doeth for the glory of the Word of God, for they shall receive the gift of thanks. Blessed are they that worketh not for themselves but for the glory of God, for ye shall be rewarded double as what you have worked for thine self. Blessed are them that endureth, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are they that knocketh and openeth, for they shall see mysteries. Blessed are they that seeketh that which is not, but is eternal, for they shall have what many hath not. And they that have not, that they seek."

- II Joel (Epistle of Yeshua) 3: 1- 10 <------- I wrote this book

"Furnish thou thine self in hunger and thirst, for thou shall seek to have, and when ye have not, that thou shalt pray.
Blessed is he that findeth and hath found not, for when he hath prayed, he shall receive double. Blessed is he that seeketh and hath seen not, for he shall see threefold. Blessed is he that findeth not the things of the world but seeketh God, for the foundation which is laid up in the world shall he receive greater.
But woe be unto you that seeketh and hath found, for ye shall lose! Woe be unto you that perisheth not, for ye shall lie in sloth! Woe be unto you that hath, for ye shall forget thine Maker! Woe be unto them that forgetteth the Maker, for they shall lose fourfold!! Woe be unto you, that seeketh just the foundation of the world, for ye shall lose the world and thine self. For as in the fires are tormentors and worms that eateth of thine flesh, and that ye hath not hope! If a man furnisheth not himself in the things which God wanteth for him, he shall like be unto a jar that hath not been cleaned and rotteth, like a drink which is a fruit wine and hath not been drank and it rotteth. What is a moment of sorrow then peace eternal than a moment of peace and an eternity of sorrow? Who can compare the things of God and of the world? Hath not Solomon perished when he hath and forgotten? Hath not David also?
He that endureth and prayeth is he that is blessed than them that are blessed, and he that hath the foundation that rotteth hath the greater sorrow than them. For if a man hath a little, he only shall lose a little, but if a man hath many, then shall he lose many. But he that worketh greatly, shall he receive greater things, but he that worketh simply, shall he receive simple things."

Sources: II Joel (Epistle of Yeshua) 3: 11- 25, The Second Law of Judgment - "He that worketh greatly hath great things, and he that worketh simply, hath simple things."