Saturday, November 28, 2009

The First Kingdom; fallen

"God hast said, I shall tear down the walls of the first kingdom, of thine habitation. And behold it came to pass."

- It is done

I had prophesied before that the first kingdom shall declare a thing of naught against me. And it's walls shall fall.
This is the reason why, I had my student with me Joel. God had appointed me to teach him, for he is unlearned. Now God had set for me the second kingdom which is the church that I run. I had been running it for quite sometime, well then, when the people from the first kingdom found out about it, they had decided to kick me out.
I had been praying to God, "Oh Lord, destroy thou the walls! Destroy thou the walls and ease my burden."
And it was so. So then they had commanded me to leave. When I had done something to help their plans. What they have done was wrong, if they really do want me to stay and to stay away from Joel, they shouldn't have kicked me out. It's just plain wrong. If I had someone in the church and in whom a person I don't want him to see, I will not kick him out, but will protect him. And being strict won't help the church either.
What the people in the first kingdom were doing, is they make their own rules. God had said, a woman should have long hair, but He didn't said that it is not alright for her to cut it! Because if a woman cut not her hair, then her hair would grown really long that it would be a burden to her that she has long hair.
And of course, they hate homosexuality, well yes they should, but that doesn't mean that they should kick them out! God didn't say that don't let them in. For God Himself created them.
There had been a lot of trouble in the first kingdom, and one of them is this, they kick out people. If they want a lot of people so BAD! They shouldn't be kicking people out, that is like subtracting people from the church! Well these are the list of the things that they do wrong. And I am not to judge them, I already see it.

The 6th Law of Judgment

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