Sunday, March 20, 2011

The realization seen, the return of a son

I am better than what I have known to be, for God my Father has given me great things and the one that I treasure most is the bread he gave me that made me assume that I am a prophet when I really am but am only considered as a Bible Teacher

All those who believe in him are prophets, even those who are at such age and the young, whoever he sends is indeed a prophet...

I haven't heard from my Father ever since 2010 began to end and I began to grow cold, but although I was a bit becoming cold there was a moment that he spoke to me and my... His voice gave me such encouragement to go on. But now from my point of view, a prophet as what I have declared I was before is someone who is

- Sent by God
- Has the Holy Ghost
- Prophesies
- Hears from God
- Declares my Father's word

Every Christian who has walked the earth declaring my Father's word were prophets without them even realizing it. I am a Bible Teacher that's the only thing that describes me and the only position I have come about but being a Bible Teacher doesn't necessarily mean that I have no power to prophesy and declare such prophesies but actually I am in existence to do such things and so are all my brothers and sisters..

During the following years or months or even days of me walking as a Christian having God's Word about me, I have encountered shame and not a single appreciation have I in my hands, whenever my only disciple makes a mistake, I have to fix them and as always be blamed for them, I am only 15 years old (now 16) and will be 16 this May (Has passed already), so it is really unbelievable for people to see me as God-sent and called.

A lot of things as well has happened to me during these past months of "being cold" I have a confession to make, I am because of all the things I have learned a

- Nationalsozialist (meaning: I hate racism, Communism, Islam and Judaism [The part where they don't believe that my Father is the Messiah and because they're Racists themselves])

I am in burden of races (specifically the Race murderers), I always am in that mood of.. I can't even explain. What I believe, in my own personal opinion is that freedom is found through following one's bliss. I am a Filipino having Spanish blood but am also an incomplete linguist, and yet people here criticizes me for that. The education that I have is not good enough for me that I have to study on my own free time giving me no free time at all.

But other than all the things stated in this very post, I am a son of God, wherever I maybe, I know my Father is always there and he forgives me for the things I commit and I love him. He's my dad and I'm really happy because of that.


  1. "linguist, and yet people here criticizes me for that." i laughed cause that's probably about me

  2. Fucking nazi, have fun being raped side by side with Hitler and sucking the devil's dick in Hell!

  3. Haha these comments

  4. Hey Kpoop, I think he likes mozzies now.

  5. What happened to this blog?

  6. >>Nationalsozialist (meaning: I hate racism, Communism, Islam and Judaism [The part where they don't believe that my Father is the Messiah and because they're Racists themselves])

    Now, you love Islam. Fucking hypocrite! What's next, man? I really hope you become Buddhist, Hindu, or Shinto. Those are the religions that actually are worth studying and joining.

  7. Nice blog! Following!!/MemeDoctor

  8. about:cehome
