Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Let no man put asunder

"I am come, to be a testimony. I am not here for war but am here to make peace."

- Great Faith

Many children today, hates the church, many are bored of them. But here cometh I, who am above them, who hath not what they hath.
For there was great faith among the children whom I hath seen, there is none but one only. It is he who I hath taken care of.

For today, none hath believed, many declined unto my words, but a few hearkened. And behold these few, they are exalted for they brought themselves down. For behold I, God hath sent me, and ordained me to preach the gospel of repentance to sinners, He hath given me messages that indicates His wrath.

For behold I am a just child in an unjust nation, God had ordained me to cast out Judgment, to execute Judgment, to preach repentance. For so I had declared who am I to pastors, but many believed me not but a few. And these few shall live.

I am a prophet of the Lord, am sent to preach His Word, am sent to execute Judgment, am sent to call out repentance to many. I am a just prophet, I am no great prophet, I bring myself down. In the line of the prophets, I am the lowest.

God hath not talked to me through many visions but spake to me plainly using the Book that many prophets wrote.

So therefore I give unto those who readeth this wisdom: Be thou not doubtful, but be thou faithful. For if they had not believed Jesus, so shall also they believe not the men of Jesus, for the servant is not greater than the master.
I tell thee this that readeth this, if a man hath great faith,I even I shall not have to speak of it, the man that hath faith shall he himself speak unto me, and tell me that thou art a man of God.

I am a prophet that rose early, I am not so great in the ministry, but needeth I another prophet to be with me, to guide me. For I am a child in the ministry.
Even so as Jesus gave me the bread which is full of wisdom and knowledge that great that not even an old man be wiser than this. But for humility, I speak not of it, I compete not with old men but learneth I of them.

- A child minister

Many shall ask me, how couldst thou be a prophet, when thou art a child, and there be no prophets today. But I tell thee, out of all the children, only I was the one who fleeth from these childish things.
Know thou not, that a child in mine age knoweth not clearly the Word of God! For behold, such as a child as I when readeth I behold, I understood. I understood as an old man. I am a child that understood.

Telleth thou this unto a child in mine age, and he shall understand not, but shall understand only himself.

I hath not honor in mine country, for behold this was fulfilled as what the Christ hath said, "A PROPHET HATH NOT HONOR IN HIS OWN COUNTRY."

I so therefore declare to any man who readeth this, if any man shall understand, I shall know that the man hath great faith in him.
For I give you to understand, that a man cannot know the servant if he knoweth not the master! They believe me not, for they know not the One that sent me, this so were the Christ.

If I speak to a man that know not God, even plainly shall I speak, he shall even he tell me, speak not unto me a parable, speak thou plainly. For so behold, a man with Great Faith is blessed than a man who is rich in wealth.

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